Huge thanks to all the amazing people who put their awesome things out on the interwebnets for us all to learn from. We’ve arranged these links by topic.
Getting Started
Our favourite:
- Get Started with Conference Speaking by Margaret Maynard-Reid
Other great articles on getting started
- What to Expect When You’re Speaking by Erica Joy
- On Motivation: Becoming a Speaker by Julie Ann Horvath
- From Public Freaking To Public Speaking by Sophie Shepherd
- Speaking and nerves by Cate Huston
- I’m not a developer-y enough developer to talk on developing by Alyssa Nicoll
- Overcoming Stage Fright by Emily Lewis
- Public Speaking with a Buddy by Lara Hogan
Submitting a talk / Preparing a talk
Our favourite:
- Writing winning abstracts by Marcy Sutton
Other great articles on Submitting a talk / Preparing a talk
- How I Create Talks by Michele Titolo
- How to write a talk by Soledad Penadés
- Conference speaking FAQ by Anna Ossowski
- What you need to know about speaking at conferences by Ashe Dryden
Giving talks
Our favourite:
- How to prepare and write a tech conference talk by Lena Reinhard
Other great articles on giving talks
- My first public speaking experience by Charlotte Jackson
- Conference Speaking One Year Later: Every Single Thing I’ve Learned by Annyce Davis
- Confessions of a Semi-Amateur Speaker by Jen Myers
- 5 years behind the mic by Heidi Waterhouse
Bonus material!
- Technically Speaking archive: an excellent newsletter (sadly stopped now) with speaking tips, inspirational videos, and more.