Huge thanks to all the amazing people who put their awesome things out on the interwebnets for us all to learn from.
Here are some of our favourites.
Getting Started
- What to Expect When You’re Speaking by Erica Joy
- Get Started with Conference Speaking by Margaret Maynard-Reid
- On Motivation: Becoming a Speaker by Julie Ann Horvath
- From Public Freaking To Public Speaking by Sophie Shepherd
- Speaking and nerves by Cate Huston
- I’m not a developer-y enough developer to talk on developing by Alyssa Nicoll
- Overcoming Stage Fright by Emily Lewis
- Public Speaking with a Buddy by Lara Hogan
Submitting a talk / Preparing a talk
- Writing winning abstracts by Marcy Sutton
- How I Create Talks by Michele Titolo
- How to write a talk by Soledad Penadés
- Conference speaking FAQ by Anna Ossowski
- What you need to know about speaking at conferences by Ashe Dryden
Giving talks
- My first public speaking experience by Charlotte Jackson
- Conference Speaking One Year Later: Every Single Thing I’ve Learned by Annyce Davis
- Confessions of a Semi-Amateur Speaker by Jen Myers
- 5 years behind the mic by Heidi Waterhouse
- How to prepare and write a tech conference talk by Lena Reinhard
Bonus material!
- Technically Speaking: an excellent newsletter with call for proposals (CFPs), speaking tips, and inspirational videos.