theme: Fira, 2
“Speak up!”
the fine art of sharing
and presenting
^ put out nametags, w/ pronouns
Activity :sparkles:
Why are you here today?
Write on a sticky note
Activity :sparkles:
Introduce yourself to someone new
Share why you
are here today
Ohai! :wave:
^ Dani, Steve Speaking and workshop history Worst speaking mistake(s)
^ Put up A4s
- write a bio
- write a tiny talk
- give a tiny talk
Debunking myths
^ short presentation Things that you think stop you from speaking, but maybe don’t have to
Myth :no_good:
“I’d be a terrible speaker”
Debunk :ok_woman:
You don’t need to
be perfect
^ Just “good enough”. Start small, Practice a lot. You can learn, grow. Everyone gets nervous. It’s because you care.
Myth :no_good:
“I’m not an expert”
Debunk :ok_woman:
You don’t need to be
to succeed
^ You don’t need to be a super-nerd. Making mistakes is part of learning, and being a dev. Your point of view, way of seeing things, is unique. We need diverse viewpoints. Your background, education, experience.
Myth :no_good:
“But I’m not ready yet!”
^ Even after all that…
Debunk :ok_woman:
You don’t have to be
^ Submit a proposal If it’s accepted, work on the talk. You don’t have to know everything about the topic when you write the abstract You can buddy up with someone: we can help with that! 😬
Activity :sparkles:
What was the most interesting thing? 🤔
Write it on the poster :pencil:
^ Dani & Steve discuss the results Keep it short!
Debunking myths :heavy_check_mark:
^ tick it off on the wall any questions?
Getting Started
Getting Started
Write about your work
or side projects
^ Topic that means something to you Writing helps you clarify an idea Good for testing an idea Gives you credibility Raise your profile Value to your readers
Activity :sparkles:
What could you write
an article about?
Write a topic idea or two :pencil:
^ We’ll use one of them later
Getting Started
Picking the right event
^ Lunch and learn at work Local meetups conferences
Activity :sparkles:
Where could you speak?
Write it on the poster :pencil:
^ Go wide! Dani & Steve discuss the results cough CTFEDs cough
Getting Started :heavy_check_mark:
^ tick it off on the wall any questions?
a talk
Submitting a talk
^ Who will be there? How will people decide to see your talk? Say what you’re going to discuss in detail. Specify the audience.
Submitting a talk
^ to the wall Will change a little depending on audience Dani, Steve, do tiny example of themselves
Activity :sparkles:
Write a bio
^ This is just the first draft Write it, then revise it
Submitting a talk
Talk Types
^ to the wall Code, tool, process, workflow? Mistakes we made Want to talk, but don’t know what yet Anyone seen one like this?
Submitting a talk
The abstract
^ Fancy way of saying the blurb Style, Structure Hand out handout
Activity :sparkles:
Read the Abstract notes
Circle the most surprising thing in each section
^ A few mins to read it
Activity :sparkles:
Write an abstract for your (5m) lightning talk
Audience, Talk Type,
Title, Description
^ Give out handouts Examples? This meetup group, our poster list First draft! Rough!
Submitting a talk
Get feedback on
your abstract
Good feedback is
specific, actionable
^ “I don’t like it.” :point_down: “I’m not sure about the opening.” :point_down: “I think the opening wasn’t clear enough.” Does it work for the audience?
Activity :sparkles:
Pair up
Read your abstract
Write down feedback
^ Gonna go around the table and read Practice speaking! Feedback at the end of everyone reading
Feedback :clap:
1 thing you liked
1 thing they could
do differently
^5 :hand:
^ say why take it or leave it!
a talk :heavy_check_mark:
^ tick it off on the wall any questions?
a talk
Activity :sparkles:
Read the “Preparing a talk” notes
Circle the most surprising thing in each section
Preparing a talk
^ Maybe the best bit of advice 3 big things
Your words
^ Knowing it gives you confidence, room to improvise.
Your timing
^ We tend to run really short or really long
Again and again
^ A few times is probably enough
Activity :sparkles:
Write a
:zap: lightning talk
^ About 5 minutes. A little short is fine. You already have your audience, talk type, title, abstract If you do slides, 1 or 2 plain ones is probably okay: not enough time for design today
a talk :heavy_check_mark:
^ tick it off on the wall any questions?
:coffee: :tea:
a talk
Activity :sparkles:
Give your :zap: lightning talk to your group
It’s only a first draft :blush:
^ Groups of 4 Not gonna be perfect But will give you some useful feedback, some new ideas
Feedback (on stickies) :clap:
1 thing you liked
1 thing they could
do differently
^5 :hand:
^ take it or leave it! Need to time it. Stop at 5m, whatever happens.
a talk :heavy_check_mark:
Activity :sparkles:
“Hey buddy!”
What will you do next?
^ SMART goal Submit your abstract somewhere
Activity :sparkles:
Workshop feedback
^ targets on the wall