Workshop outline
We’ll all be working on our own stuff, but this isn’t a blame game. It’s a “how can we make our stuff better for everyone?”” game. It’s a love-in. :)
Warm-up questions
- Who does accessibility help?
- Who will you share the stuff from the workshop with? (tie this in to SMART goal at end)
Opening activity (as people arrive)
- Share your warm-up answers with your table.
- Review the list of categories of barriers to access on the wall. Pick a tick in the column if you know someone who falls into this category.
Two lightning talks and discussion (30m)
- Steve. 5Ws and 1H of Accessibility. Shout outs from audience, but with one in speaker notes?
- Justin. WAI-ARIA whistle-stop tour, landmarks, roles, etc. WCAG levels.
Equations chat (5m)
- Talk through the Equations. Stand around them and audience shout outs. Justin do Inclusive Design, Steve do Disability.
Personas Tour (10m)
- Use the personas from A Web For Everyone.
- Walk around and read the posters of personas on walls.
- Pick a few to focus on. Take a print-out of each. We’ll use them later.
Do GAAD activities (20m)
- Grab a copy of the Global Accessibility Awareness Day activities handout.
- As a table, split up the activities between yourselves. Try and make sure that you cover all the activities.
GAAD review (5m)
- Do a 5 minute review with your table at the end. What was the most important thing you learned?
Make a checklist (15m)
- Grab two different colour pens: one for FED and one for UX.
- Go through A Web For Everyone’s APPENDIX A: Accessible UX Principles and Guidelines. Mark with a tick items that are FED and items that are UX-related.
Write down ideas to make them happen (10m)
- As a table, write down some ideas for how to make these things happen. It could be a tool, a process change, a bit of code, a design pattern.
Resources Review (10m)
- Justin lead discuss of resources page:
GAAD Activities at your office (20m)
- Discuss and write down ways to get others at the office to do these on WGAAD.
- What’s the value?
- Who does it affect?
- SMART goal setting. Suggest blog post, tweets, share on meetup, Slack groups. Global Accessibility Awareness Day!
Facilitator Feedback (5m)
- On an index card, write down one thing we could do differently next time.